Breaking Through The TERROR Barrier
Bob Proctor is one of my absolute FAVORITE mentors. His wisdom about breaking through the TERROR Barrier is exactly what I needed today. When we feel anxiety, fear and uncertainty… that is likely when we’re on the right track. Status quo is comfortable.. if you feel comfortable, are you really pushing yourself? Let Bob tell […]
Deliver More Value Than You Take In Money
Back in Canada now and it feels good to be home after 6 weeks of touring Europe. I just wanted to share a quick post on delivering value. One of the golden rules of life and business is that successful and well liked people always deliver more in value than they take in money. For […]
Think Truth In Spite Of Appearances
In Vienna today.. wow is it ever amazing. I actually went to a cafe that many incredible people (and some infamous people – including Hitler) used to frequent.. it was a strange feeling to be in that space and was interesting to see.. Absolutely amazing architecture. Here’s a shot I took from the outside. […]
Immerse Yourself In Your Goal
A thought occurred to me yesterday as I was walking around the streets of Monaco in the Monte Carlo district. (which is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, btw) I’ll keep it brief. If a person wants to learn a language, what’s the most effective way of doing it? Is it to […]